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Mato Brothers Oro & Mato

Now I know how my own master felt when he passed down his teachings to us.
– Nailmaster Mato

Nailmaster Mato is one of three Nailmasters in Hollow Knight. He teaches the Cyclone Slash to whoever is willing to become his disciple. Mato also appears as a boss in the Godmaster content Brothers Oro & Mato dual fight.


Mato learnt the Nail Arts from the Great Nailsage Sly along with his brothers Oro and Sheo. He was not the most skilled disciple of the three,[2][3] his favourite move being the Cyclone Slash.[4] Yet, he had a passion for teaching and hoped to perpetuate the Nailsage's knowledge to the next generation of Nailmasters.[5] His devotion to the Nail Arts made him very close to his brother Sheo, the most talented.[6]

When the three disciples became confirmed Nailmasters, Mato decided to never meet his old master again before mastering his teachings.[7] He established a hut at the top of the world in the Howling Cliffs to continue honing his skills. He did not leave Oro in good terms though, and still awaits the promise his brother made to him.[8]

In-game events

Mato can be found in his hut in the Howling Cliffs. He recognizes the Knight for the fighter they are and does not waste time in making them his disciple.[9]

The Nailmaster is overwhelmed with emotion after passing the Cyclone Slash on to the Knight, considering them his child.[10] After this, he welcomes them warmly every time they visit, inviting them to meditate together.[11] Mato also comments on the Nail Arts the Knight has learnt. While he still resents his brother Oro, he is delighted to learn that Sheo did not forsake the Nail Arts.[12] He is also impressed to learn of the Knight being recognized as a Nailmaster by the Nailsage himself.[13]

Godmaster Content

Mato's mind is summoned to Godhome by the Godseeker. He appears when his brother Oro first falls in combat against the Knight. Despite their mutual resentment, his love for his brothers and the Nail Arts takes over.[14] He then joins Oro in his fight against his opponent. After both are defeated, they bow respectfully to the Knight. The Brothers Oro & Mato are mainly fought at the peak of the Pantheon of the Master and later within the Pantheon of Hallownest.


Before training
First Encounter Hm? Ah, well met! Yes, I thought I could sense the aura of a fierce warrior approaching.

I'm impressed you found my sanctuary here at the top of the world. No doubt you've endured many trials and overcome many foes in your quest to find me.
No, don't speak a word. I, Nailmaster Mato, who was taught the Art of the Nail by the Great Nailsage himself, hereby accept you as my pupil! Let us begin the lesson immediately!

Refusing training My pupil, why do you hesitate? Do you think yourself unworthy of my Nail Art?

Do not fret. I too was once like you, unsure of my own strength. Stay here with me and meditate, and once you are ready we can begin the lesson.

Listening again Ah, I can see it in your eyes - you're ready to learn my Nail Art! Shall we begin the lesson immediately?
After learning Cyclone Slash Your form... exquisite! Now I know how my own master felt when he passed down his teachings to us.

I hope you don't think me too forward when I say that I consider you to be my child. Yes! When I saw you perform my Nail Art I felt a bond between us suddenly flash into existence!
You honour me beyond words, my pupil...
Thank you.

Listening after learning, exhausted dialogue You honour me beyond words, my pupil...

Thank you.

Dream Nailed My brother, Sheo... how fare you in that green kingdom of thorns you call home? I think of you every time I raise my nail...

Do you ever close your eyes and remember the time we spent together with Oro and our master? I like to think you do...

After Training
Listening after returning My pupil, you have come to visit your old master! This is an honour I scarcely deserve.

Please, sit. You are always welcome to meditate here with me.

Listening after learning Great Slash Ah! So my brother Sheo has taught you his Nail Art, the Great Slash! How lucky you are to have trained with him!

Sheo and I were very close when we trained together under the Great Nailsage. He often spoke of becoming tired of the Nail Arts and wanting to try something new.
I'm glad to see he changed his mind and continues to bear the proud title of Nailmaster along with me!

Listening after learning Dash Slash That Nail Art, the Dash Slash... learnt from my brother Oro, was it not?

So he is still alive then. Hm. I still haven't forgotten what he owes me and I never will.
Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't bother you with such things. I'm happy that you were able to train under another Nailmaster and grow stronger, my pupil.

Listening after acquiring Nailmaster's Glory That charm...! Could it be?! Only the Great Nailsage himself could have bestowed such a thing!

Your achievements humble my own, my pupil. I myself have sworn never to lay eyes on the Nailsage again. Not until I have truly mastered his teachings.
But if you see him again, please... let him know that I am forever grateful.

Exhausted dialogue Before you leave, rest and meditate with me for a while. Your company is always welcome.


Nailmaster Mato is found in the Howling Cliffs.



  • Mato's hut was first shown in a Kickstarter update where the Nailmasters were revealed.[15]
  • After learning the Cyclone Slash Nail Art, the Knight can return to Mato's house. He asks the Knight to meditate with him, and a sit prompt appears beside him, where the Knight can stay for as long as they wish.


  1. Sheo: "That Nail Art you've learnt, the Cyclone Slash. That was always Mato's favourite. It must have made him ecstatic to have a pupil like you."
  2. Sheo: "[Mato] was not the most skilled pupil himself, but his enthusiasm and his kindness set him apart."
  3. Oro: "[Sheo] was the mightiest of the Great Nailsage's pupils, far outshining Mato and myself."
  4. Sheo: "That Nail Art you've learnt, the Cyclone Slash. That was always Mato's favourite."
  5. Sheo: "[Mato] always wanted to pass down what he'd learnt to a new generation."
  6. Mato: "Sheo and I were very close when we trained together under the Great Nailsage."
  7. Mato: "I myself have sworn never to lay eyes on the Nailsage again. Not until I have truly mastered his teachings."
  8. Mato: "So he is still alive then. Hm. I still haven't forgotten what he owes me and I never will."
  9. Mato: "I, Nailmaster Mato, who was taught the Art of the Nail by the Great Nailsage himself, hereby accept you as my pupil! Let us begin the lesson immediately!"
  10. Mato: "I hope you don't think me too forward when I say that I consider you to be my child. Yes! When I saw you perform my Nail Art I felt a bond between us suddenly flash into existence!"
  11. Mato: "Please, sit. You are always welcome to meditate here with me."
  12. Mato: "He often spoke of becoming tired of the Nail Arts and wanting to try something new. I'm glad to see he changed his mind and continues to bear the proud title of Nailmaster along with me!"
  13. Mato: "Your achievements humble my own, my pupil."
  14. Godmaster content Mato Dream Nail dialogue in Godhome: "Brothers always fight together!"
  15. Kickstarter update of December 3rd, 2014.