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That charm... beautiful! Most precious thing! Little lovely, will you let me see it? Have to show it to me!
– Divine

Divine is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Her primary role is allowing the Knight to upgrade Fragile Charms to their Unbreakable counterparts.


Divine is a member of the Grimm Troupe. She is looking for the source of the smell deep below her, Leg Eater.[2] She eats the Fragile Charms that he created when the Knight gives them to her, only giving them back as Unbreakable Charms after being given a large amount of Geo.

Leg Eater's claws in Divine's tent, after being eaten

If the Knight goes to Leg Eater after upgrading all of the Fragile Charms to their Unbreakable variants while also having one of them equipped, he says that he "smells" her and goes above ground to find her.[3]

When the Knight returns to Divine, Leg Eater's dismembered claws can be seen on the floor in front of her. After this, Divine leaves with the rest of the Grimm Troupe.[4]

In-game events

She arrives in Dirtmouth along with the rest of the Troupe with the lighting of the Nightmare Lantern. Should the Knight choose the Banishment ending and destroy the Nightmare Lantern, Divine disappears with the Troupe, leaving any currently-eaten Charm where her tent was. However, she only disappears upon the defeat of Nightmare King Grimm if the Knight has already upgraded all three Fragile Charms and has listened to Leg Eater.

Unbreakable Charms

Divine acts as a late-game Geo sink. Compared to other Merchants, her offers are the most expensive. All of her exchanges put together total  36000. While the cost of her services is extreme, so is the payoff. The Fragile Charms carry some of the most powerful passive effects in the game, and removing their "on death" stipulation allows them to be used much more freely.

In order to perform an exchange, the Knight must have one of the Fragile Charms equipped. After listening to Divine, she requests the Charm be given to her. If given, she eats the Charm. By continually listening to her, Divine eventually requests Geo. If paid the requested amount, she excretes the Unbreakable variant of the previously ingested Charm.


First encounter Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

Did you call us? You called us, and we came. We came!
You don't look scared. Why did you call us?
Ahhh. It doesn't matter. Don't tell me.
We came, and I can smell something. Something deep below us. I want it... I want it!

Lifeblood content Listening while wearing Defender's Crest but not having any Fragile Charms equipped Ahhhh, that smell! So strong, so virile, but not the odour that calls to me.

I crave a different smell. Precious. Sensitive... Fragile. Ahh! Bring it. Wear it!

Listening while not carrying any Fragile Charms You carry a lot of smells on you, but you don't have one of your own. Funny little thing...
Listening having bought any Fragile Charms but none equipped That smell! Eeuuarrggh! You're hiding something very nice from me, aren't you? Shouldn't hide something so nice!

Show me... show me! Put it on! Quickly!

Listening having any Fragile Charms equipped Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

That charm... beautiful! Most precious thing! Little lovely, will you let me see it? Have to show it to me!

Refusing to give Charm Eeuuarrggh! Why?!

Little lovely, don't do nasty things. Don't be cruel. Show it to me! That beautiful thing was made for me... I can smell it!

Giving Charm Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh!

Such a little beauty! Such a smell... such a smell! Ahhh!
Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! So good! So tasty! A perfect, perfect thing, just for me! Ahhhhhh!

Listening after eating first Charm Beautiful, delicious... Ahhhhhh!

You're good, little lovely. You're very sweet, to bring me such a gift!

Listening again The one who made my gift... Aahhh, somewhere below? Yes?

Very good gift. Very tasty! Delicious!

Listening again Do you want something, little lovely? You don't want to take my gift back, do you?

Eeuuarrggh! So nasty, so cruel, if that's true! Once you give something as a gift it's lost to you forever!

Listening again A gift? For you? So greedy!

But... I can show you something if you're nice to me, little lovely. Will you do a nice thing, lovely?
Give them to me... your Geo. Give me your Geo and I'll give you a gift.

Refusing to give Geo Eeuuarrggh! Refuse me, then!
Not enough Geo No Geo... why? Why don't you have enough Geo?
Listening again after not buying first Charm You want a gift. Greedy! Give me Geo and you will get a gift...
Listening after eating another Charm Again...? You're so greedy for gifts! Poor little lovely. Give me your Geo, and I will give you your gift.
Listening when having a Fragile Charm equipped after one has already been made Unbreakable Aaaaahhhhhhh! I can smell it! Another gift, made for me. Give it to me!
Listening after obtaining all three Unbreakable Charms Ahhhhh. Such beautiful, special gifts. So lovely!

I'm ready now. Very ready!
My smell... you'll carry it with you, then?

Listening after obtaining all Unbreakable Charms and after listening to Leg Eater One final gift! Ahhhhhhhh!

I liked it very much. Very, very good. So good!
Eaaauuurrgggh!! Eaauurggh! Now, I can follow Master...

Listening again That's enough. Enough! I'm feeling very happy now.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now, I can follow Master...

Dream Nailed Shadow and fire will dance together so prettily, I think...
Dream Nailed after eating Leg Eater The most exquisite things I've ever experienced! Ahhhhh!

I'll take them with me... precious, precious memories of you! Precious tastes and smells!


Divine is located in Dirtmouth after the Grimm Troupe has been summoned. She resides in a smaller tent west of the main one. She leaves Dirtmouth after one of two events occur:

  • The Grimm Troupe is banished.
  • After Nightmare King Grimm is defeated, all Fragile Charms have been upgraded, then Leg Eater and Divine are spoken to in that order and the Knight subsequently sits on a bench.



  • Due to how the Banishment ending works, the Unbreakable Charms are permanently unobtainable if the Knight decides to banish the Troupe.
    • If Divine has a Charm currently consumed when the Grimm Troupe is banished, then it is left on the ground, still in its Fragile form, when returning to Dirtmouth.
  • When Divine eats a Charm, the Knight is considered to have one less Charm for the purposes of Salubra's shop and Completion percentage.


  1. Wanderer's Journal, p. 152.
  2. Divine: "We came, and I can smell something. Something deep below us. I want it... I want it!"
  3. Leg Eater: "Those charms... that smell! So so much! I want to... yesss! I know where you are now. Above me. Much above me, but I know where to go. I will come! Don't try to hide from me!"
  4. Divine: "One final gift! Ahhhhhhhh! I liked it very much. Very, very good. So good! Eaaauuurrgggh!! Eaauurggh! Now, I can follow Master..."