Grimmkin Novice

From Hollow Knight Wiki

Grimmkin Novices are enemies in Hollow Knight. They are young members of the Grimm Troupe who relinquish the flame they gathered within their torches to somebody who is worthy.[1][2]

Young and playful member of the Grimm Troupe. As part of the Ritual, it gathers scarlet flame within its torch. It will relinquish the flame once defeated.

"Shadows dream of endless fire,
Flames devour and embers swoop,
One will light the Nightmare Lantern,
Call and serve in Grimm's dread Troupe."

– 'The Grimm Troupe'

Behaviour and Tactics

Grimmkin Novices have three attacks:

  • Charge: Charges directly at the Knight with extreme speed.
  • Flame Spray: Fires three fireballs at once, one directly forward and two diagonally. The Novice is then left vulnerable for a few seconds.
  • Teleport: Teleports to a random place a constant distance away from the Knight to perform an attack.

Like other Grimmkin spirits, Novices spawn when the Knight approaches a torch with the Grimmchild Charm equipped, at which point they become aggressive, following and attacking the Knight until they kill them or leave the current room.

All Grimmkin have the unique behaviour of following the Knight's movements exactly, staying a constant distance away from the Knight until performing an action. Grimmkin teleport after every attack, and after being damaged during their dash.

Their Charge attack can be dodged or Shadow Dashed through. It is possible, but risky, to attack them during this Charge. The Sharp Shadow Charm makes it possible to damage them with minimal risk simply by dashing through them.

Dream Nail Dialogue

  • Dance with me!
  • So dark! Burn brighter!
  • Take it, if you're worthy!


Grimmkin Novices can be found in GreenpathCrystal Peak, and the City of Tears.



Cut Grimmkin Novice sprite
  • When in combat with any Grimmkin, the Accordion Chase theme plays.
  • Cut Grimmkin Novice sprites existed in the game's files prior to the release of   Lifeblood. It was a different version of the Charge attack animation where the Grimmkin can be seen as a flame with a mask without clothing.


  1. Grimmkin Novice Hunter's Journal entry: "Young and playful member of the Grimm Troupe. As part of the Ritual, it gathers scarlet flame within its torch."
  2. Grimmkin Novice Dream Nail dialogue: "Take it, if you're worthy!"