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At times my husband makes Hallownest sound a wonder, but sometimes it seems a ghastly, dangerous place.
– Iselda

Iselda is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She sells maps and mapping tools at her shop in Dirtmouth.


Iselda used to be a fighter; however, when she followed her husband Cornifer, his thirst for exploration leading them to Hallownest, she put down her weapon to enjoy a quieter life in Dirtmouth.[3][4] Despite her tall stature, the two took residence in a small house next to the town's Stag Station from which she operates their shop.[5]

She wishes Cornifer would spend more time at home and worries about his health and safety.[6] She has always declined to join her husband on his adventures beyond the Forgotten Crossroads.[7] She doesn't find much interest in shopkeeping, yet takes great care in crafting cartography pins while taking into account her customers' needs.[8][9]

In-game events

Iselda opens up her store after the Knight listens to Cornifer, defeats the False Knight or skips him by leaving the battle. She sells maps and mapping tools.


These maps appear in Iselda's shop after Cornifer has left his spot in each respective area and has left his calling card. They share the same icon and are priced higher than what Cornifer initially offers for each.

Area Description Cost
Ancient Basin A map of the Ancient Basin, a land buried deep down at the bottom of the world.  150
City of Tears A map of the City of Tears, capital of Hallownest. Does water really fall from above the city? It sounds beautiful...  120
Crystal Peak A map of Crystal Peak, the huge shining mountain that looms behind Dirtmouth. My husband brought back some crystals from the mines along with the map of this area. What makes them shine so brightly?  150
Deepnest A map of Deepnest, a dark and dangerous area at the bottom of the world.

When my husband came back with a map he'd barely filled out I was annoyed, but then I saw how frightened he was! Poor thing.

Fog Canyon A map of Fog Canyon, which connects Greenpath to the Fungal Wastes. The air is thick there, so Cornifer found it difficult to find his way. Well, more difficult than he usually does.  200
Forgotten Crossroads A map of the Forgotten Crossroads, the area just below Dirtmouth. Cornifer dragged me down there once. It was an empty, lonely place but still quite impressive.  40
Fungal Wastes A map of Fungal Wastes, an area choked with fungus beneath the Forgotten Crossroads. My husband brought some mushrooms back from there and tried to cook them. The stench was hideous!  100
Greenpath A map of Greenpath, a verdant area of Hallownest close to the surface. Apparently the water there is deadly to the touch!  80
Howling Cliffs A map of the Howling Cliffs, which look over Dirtmouth. Cornifer told me that the winds got so loud there he couldn't hear himself speak. Which begs the question...Why was he speaking to himself?  100
Kingdom's Edge A map of Kingdom's Edge, all the way out at the end of the world. My husband...He travels to such distant places, while I stay here in town.  150
Resting Grounds A map of the Resting Grounds, a sacred place not far from the Crossroads. Cornifer told me he found the area serene and calming, but it sounds a bit spooky to me. No thanks.  75
Royal Waterways A map of the Royal Waterways, the pipes and chambers below the City of Tears. It sounds like Cornifer really enjoyed exploring the area, though he was damp and shivering when he returned.  100
Queen's Gardens A map of the Queen's Gardens, a royal sanctuary close to Greenpath. Cornifer sometimes calls me his Queen...Usually only when I'm angry though.  200

Mapping Tools

Item Description Cost

Wayward Compass
Highly recommended! If you're having trouble finding your way in the maze of ruins below us, try this charm.

It will pinpoint your location on your map. Incredibly helpful for finding your bearings in unfamiliar locations!


You'll need this if you want to update your map with new areas as you explore.

It's essential for anyone serious about mapping!


Map Pins

Item Description Cost Requires

Vendor Pin
Use these pins to mark shopkeepers or any other interesting bugs you find on your travels.

Every so often, you should pass by and see how they're doing. I'm sure they'd like that.

 100 -

Stagway Pin
These pins will mark any Stagway Stations you've visited.

They must have been very lively places when the stags still travelled through them.

 100 Talking to the Last Stag

Bench Pin
These pins will mark benches and other rest spots on your map. Useful if you're exhausted and just need to find somewhere to sit!  100 -

Cocoon Pin
Have you seen those beautiful blue cocoons? I made these pins so you can keep track of them.

The cocoons are pretty, but very delicate. Please be careful around them.

 100 -

Hot Spring Pin
I designed these pins to keep track of the kingdom's hot springs.

I haven't visited any myself... I wonder if Cornifer might take me sometime? I'm sure you'd make better use of these pins 'til then.

 100 -

Whispering Root Pin
Cornifer has been telling me about these strange whispering roots he's been seeing.

I made some pins so you can record their locations yourself.

 150 Obtaining the Dream Nail

Warrior's Grave Pin
Cornifer told me he's found some interesting looking graves and shrines in the depths.

You can use these pins to mark down any interesting graves on your map. Go and pay your respects.

 180 Obtaining the Dream Nail

Tram Pin
Those trams sound like awfully advanced machines. Those ancient bugs must've been a clever lot.

These pins should be perfect for recording a tram stop's location.

 100 Acquiring Tram Pass

Lifeblood content Lifeblood Content

Scarab Marker
These markers are new additions to the shop. You can use them to mark interesting spots on your map!

The colour is quite soothing, don't you think?

 100 -

Shell Marker
These markers are new additions to the shop. You can use them to record interesting spots on your map!

This colour could be useful to remind yourself of hard-won battles.

 100 -

Gleaming Marker
These markers are new additions to the shop. You can use them to mark interesting spots on your map!

The material I used for this colour is quite rare, so it costs a little more.

 210 Acquiring the Mothwing Cloak

Token Marker
These markers are new additions to the shop. You can use them to mark interesting spots on your map!

This understated colour makes me think of hunting underground for treasure...

 100 Acquiring the Mothwing Cloak


First Encounter Come to buy a map have you? It's really my husband you should be dealing with, but what a surprise! He's headed down below.

He'll pop back occasionally to deliver new maps for the store but I do wish he'd spend a little more time up here. I've not much interest in retail myself.
Now, let's see what's here for me to sell.

Nothing left to sell After more supplies? You've already bought so much. Unfortunately for now, you've cleaned us out of anything worth selling.

Cornifer will no doubt be pleased, though I do wonder what he plans to spend all that Geo on.

Dream Nailed I'm glad I put down my weapon, this quiet life with Corny makes me a lot happier. It would be nice to stretch my legs again though... sometime soon...
Additional dialogue
Listening Of all the places to end up, we've picked this dreary town. I'd thought it a temporary stop, then my husband became obsessed with that old ruin.

Now he's spending all his time down there. He argues cartography is sound business, but other than you, who's buying?

Exhausted dialogue Are you enjoying yourself down in the ruins? At times my husband makes Hallownest sound a wonder, but sometimes it seems a ghastly, dangerous place.
After buying all maps and/or Cornifer returning home Cornifer's home at last, but look at him, he's exhausted. He always does this, furiously charts a place, then collapses once he's done.

He'll be sleeping for some time I imagine, so even with him home, I'm still lost for company.
Ahhh, but I do love the bug, even his faults. Seeing his passion for maps, it's something of an inspiration.
Corny keeps asking me to join him on his adventures and I've always declined. Maybe next time I should accept the offer?

The Grimm Troupe
Grimm Troupe content Listening while the Grimm Troupe is in Dirtmouth Have you seen them? The travellers who set up camp outside of town?

I was interested at first, not a lot has been happening lately. But they have a... sinister feeling to them. You can feel it, right?
I've told Cornifer he's not to speak to them. His heart and his mind are a little too open sometimes.

Grimm Troupe content Listening while Nymm is in Dirtmouth A stylish fellow's made his way to town. Normally I'm wary of musicians, all pomp and ego.

This one seems okay... and he's not asked for any Geo just yet. Let's hope it stays that way.


Iselda's shop is located in Dirtmouth, east of the Stag Station.



Acquire a map of each area.



  1. Cornifer: "If you've not the head for directions, I suggest purchasing a compass from my wife, Iselda. She's just now opening our new map shop in Dirtmouth, selling all sorts of useful things to wanderers like yourself."
  2. Kotaku Spltscreen.
  3. Cornifer: "My name is Cornifer, and I've always loved exploring the world. Why, when I was first hatched I wandered off immediately, leaving my brothers and sisters and poor mother behind! ... That's why as soon as I could I moved to Dirtmouth with my wife."
  4. Iselda Dream Nail dialogue: "I'm glad I put down my weapon, this quiet life with Corny makes me a lot happier."
  5. Elderbug: "She's a tall bug, the wife. I told them to take a larger house, especially given they're all empty, but they liked the look of that one."
  6. Iselda: "He'll pop back occasionally to deliver new maps for the store but I do wish he'd spend a little more time up here."
  7. Iselda: "Corny keeps asking me to join him on his adventures and I've always declined. Maybe next time I should accept the offer?"
  8. Iselda: "I've not much interest in retail myself."
  9. Whispering Root pin shop description: "Cornifer has been telling me about these strange whispering roots he's been seeing. I made some pins so you can record their locations yourself."