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For game mode, see Godseeker Mode.
Godmaster Content

Hallownest. This kingdom is blessed with true Gods. True! All around, the corpses of pretender Gods. But! Not in Hallownest...
– Godseeker

The Godseeker is a Quest NPC in Hollow Knight who travelled to Hallownest seeking "gods", powerful beings revered for their strength and power.[2] In her mind, she exists in a different shape and carries her tribe of Godseekers, with whom she shares a collective mind.[3][4] They inhabit a dream of their own making: Godhome. She starts the quest of Godmaster.


The Land of Storms

The Godseekers originate from a land called the Land of Storms.[5] Their gods either died or abandoned them,[3] which prompted them to travel and seek new ones.[6] At some point, they merged within the mind of a single Godseeker.[3][4] This individual can focus their thoughts into a complex dream world: Godhome. This feat is possible through their mask, which can be passed along to other Godseekers.[7] They also built a temporary tuning device in order to find the resonance of other powerful beings in distant lands.[8]

Godseeker on her way to Hallownest

The current Godseeker bearing the mask ended up in Hallownest following the remnants of the Pale King's power.[9] With the King's vanishing, she hopes to attune instead Godhome to the "God of Gods" of Hallownest, and commune with them - initially assuming this "God of Gods" to be the Radiance.[10] For this, she uses the Godtuner to attune the mind or essence of Hallownest's most powerful creatures to Godhome, where they can become gods.[11]

Godseeker in the Pantheon arenas

There, the Godseekers observe their fights within the Pantheons. With each fight, they aim to ascend to and commune with even higher, out-of-reach creatures, until reaching the Radiance herself.[10]

During her quest, the Godseeker was forced to go into hibernation for unknown reasons, which prompted her physical metamorphosis.[12] She ended up in a chained, sarcophagus-like cocoon, which was washed away down the Royal Waterways.

In-game events

The Godseeker's cocoon can be found deep in the Junk Pit and can be unlocked with a Simple Key. When the Godseeker is freed, she automatically drops her Godtuner. The Knight can pick it up and start seeking gods for her.[11] They can also use the Dream Nail on her to enter Godhome and join the gods' fights. There is a 2% chance to enter instead a forbidden memory of the Godseeker depicting their initial tuning device after completing the first three Pantheons. She reacts angrily at this intrusion and throws the Knight out into Godhome.[13]

Godseeker with a Delicate Flower

In Hallownest, the Godseeker gradually wakes up with each pantheon the Knight completes. She encourages them to seek gods for her, rewarding them only with her sight and presence.[14] In Godhome however, the Godseeker berates the Knight for their intrusion.[15] She later gains interest in them on their way to ascend past the Pure Vessel, noting both vessels' similarities.[16] The Godseeker finally opens up to the Knight and encourages them as they ascend throughout the final Pantheon.[17] She even shares with them her despair of not being able to tune to Hallownest's other Higher Beings.[18]

Godseeker in the Embrace the Void endings

When the Knight finally ascends past the Absolute Radiance, they become Void Given Focus and become the new focus of the godseekers' communion. However, this new God of Gods overtakes both Godhome, the godseekers' tribe and the Godseeker's physical body.[19] If the Delicate Flower was given to the Godseeker before the Knight's final ascension, the flower makes the Void Given Focus vanish instead of being freed into Hallownest.[20]


First entry to Godhome Blasphemy! Rank blasphemy!

Thou crawler! Thou cringer! Thou smallest of the small!
By what right dost thou trespass here, in this home of the Gods? Shrivel away and begone! Begone!

First entry to Pantheon of the Master Wretch! Thou hast ordained thine own destruction!

Through sacred combat are We attuned to this Kingdom's greatest beings. By entering this gate thou hast challenged the very Gods of this Kingdom!
Dost thou consider thyself the equal of this pantheon, of its masters? Draw thy weapon then, fool of fools, and be damned for thy arrogance!

First entry to Pantheon of the Artist Thou most ungrateful of blemishes! The Gods in their great mercy allow thee to escape their first pantheon alive, yet still thee think to test thineself against their might?

Doom thyself then, that We may resume Our focus and ascend Our minds ever higher!

First entry to Pantheon of the Sage Lowly brute! Blindest of worms! Again thee challenge the Gods? What divine whim has granted thee the strength to endure their presence, where no others may stand?

Fight then, struggle then, and keenly shall We listen for thy destruction!

First entry to Pantheon of the Knight O Gods of Hallownest, graciously thee open the way to this greatest of Pantheons! Thy voices grow closer and thy resonance draws Us ever higher!

Pray will We, Attune will We, until that spark of divine light shines from the deepest darkness!

Defeating the Absolute Radiance in the Hall of Gods Woe! Thou Speck! To achieve victory, even if only against mere imprint of that most brilliant deity. Thine battles proves strength enough to impress.

But couldst thou ever hope to overcome that mighty God tuned at the core of dream and mind, when met in perfect state, at peak of all others? We think not!

Junk Pit
Listening with one Pantheon completed Hallowed... land... tune... gods...
Listening with two or more Pantheons completed without having picked up the Godtuner Creeper. Dost thou see it? Shining. Brilliant. Our Godtuner.

Thou covet the Godtuner. Desire beyond desire! Take it then, for We have ascended beyond it. No need for such an instrument.

Listening with two Pantheons completed Creeper. Did thee wake Us?

Revived, this kingdom. These Gods, tuned and bested, gleaming in mind. Bright. Sharp.
...And this? Our form swells? Large? Nay. Immense. Majestic. Hibernation, so long forced upon Us, yet the shell that results is strong... So strong!
Thine gaze is adoring. Ye must think Us Godly. Amusing, foolish. But thou art faced with enormity and beauty, true...

Listening with three Pantheons completed What draws thee here, Crawler? Faith? Fear? Or do thee also seek the Gods?

Here. Heart of the Kingdom. We listen for them here. But some Gods are distant still. Must be awoken.
Take the Godtuner and seek ye the Gods! Seek! That they may find their way. Tuned to mind. Tuned to home.
Reward. As reward for thine services, ye shall be allowed to linger here. Linger and gaze. Linger and gaze on Our magnificent shell. Our overpowering beauty!

Exhausted dialogue Hallownest... Even fading, a glorious land of Gods.

Never. Never! The Gods here will never die!

Listening with four Pantheons completed Gods. O Gods! Thy nature, mysterious. Uncanny. Even so for We who seek!

By attuning Ourselves We clutch at their greatness, their immortality. Their unknowable splendour.
Hallownest. This kingdom is blessed with true Gods. True! All around, the corpses of pretender Gods. But! Not in Hallownest...

Exhausted dialogue Hallownest. This kingdom is blessed with true Gods. True! All around, the corpses of pretender Gods. But! Not in Hallownest...
Encounter in Tuner Memory ....Gods of Our future. Seek thee, We shall... To devote Our all...
Exhausted dialogue These winds carry Us to thee, dear Gods...
Dream Nailed What gods, to save Us of Our silent mind?
After interacting with the tuning device Savage! Intruder! No right thou hast to trespass within such sacred memory. Begone! Begone!
Godseeker Mode
When first starting Godseeker Mode Most holy! Most divine! O God of Gods! Thou return to test thineself upon the lowly, snivelling weaklings serving beneath thee.

Permit Us then to bow and scrape as bugs impotent before thy glory. We wouldst give Our all to witness again but a moment of thine terrible might!

First encounter in any Pantheon God of Gods! How clear to see. How obvious. That diminutive shell doth barely disguise thine overwhelming strength, thine all-consuming glory!

Shame beyond shame! We failed to percieve sic such obvious truth. Punish us, o Devourer! Crush us! Rain nail and lash on Our pathetic being. We welcome such divine vengeance!

Exhausted dialogue Punish this shell, o God of Gods! Blast Our frail, worthless form to ash. We welcome thine fury! Desire beyond desire!
Listening in any Pantheon after having completed it God of Gods, thou stride atop these lesser things as though they were but mortal bugs. Truly, thou are the one We sought. Our tune rings rich with thine brilliance.
Dream Nailed We bequeath our all. Our shell. Our mind. We are naught but vassal before thee, o glorious God of Gods!
Delicate Flower
After giving a Delicate Flower (requires picking up the Godtuner) An offering? Yes. The Crawler makes an offering to Us. Rare bloom, tiny and pure. No God, though. No godliness. But still...

What does Crawler ask for in return? To touch? Our thick, gleaming hide? To see? See the exquisite face beneath Our mask? Such strange prayers!
No. No! Crawler presumes too much. The gift is Ours. Kept by Us. But Our mysteries will be preserved.

Exhausted dialogue Gods. Many shapes, they assume. This bloom, then? A splinter? Cast-off? Refuse of something greater?

No. No tune. If it sings... We can not hear it.

Pantheons Dialogue

First encounter Why hast thou crept into this pantheon, o meagre one? The noise of thine wriggling creates much discord, drowning out the godly resonances we attune Ourselves to!

Dost thou mean to thwart our sacred goal? Dost envy drive thou to such madness?
We pray that the Gods of this Kingdom punish thee, obliterate thee, utterly destroy thee!

Exhausted dialogue Creep on, meagre one, and may the Gods utterly destroy thee!
Listening after having defeated Brothers Oro & Mato Thou return to this pantheon, though thou hast already ascended to its height?

Be this some strange way of drawing thyself closer to the Gods? Or do thee test thyself for sport?

Dream Nailed O Gods of Hallownest, show Us your might! We shall attune Ourselves to thee and ascend ever higher!
First encounter Ahh! Will the Gods not relieve Us of this troublesome speck? How it tests Us, seeing this worm raise its filthy weapon to the Gods!

Thou hast luck beyond luck, o speck! The Gods of this pantheon, for purpose beyond Our understanding, allow you amongst them.
Truly, the divine punishment they must be planning for you will be beyond all reckoning. Prepare thyself! Prepare thyself!

Exhausted dialogue Thou can not linger here, o coward of cowards! Step forth, and receive thine holy punishment!
Listening after having defeated Paintmaster Sheo Thou return to this pantheon, though thou hast already ascended to its height?

Be this some strange way of drawing thyself closer to the Gods? Or do thee test thyself for sport?

Dream Nailed O Gods of Hallownest, show Us your might! We shall attune Ourselves to thee and ascend ever higher!
First encounter Thou art painfully persistent! Why dost thou defile this pantheon with thine presence? Seek ye glory, o vain one?

Thou misunderstand Our purpose. Through ritual combat are We attuned to the voices of the Gods.
Ever higher do they lead Us! Higher and higher and higher! Until through Godly focus do We attain communion with that great power sleeping in the Kingdom's heart...

Exhausted dialogue Dost thou understand Our words? Will thee allow thyself to be destroyed by the God of this pantheon? Will thee allow Us to resume Our sacred attunement?
Listening after having defeated Great Nailsage Sly Thou return to this pantheon, though thou hast already ascended to its height?

Be this some strange way of drawing thyself closer to the Gods? Or do thee test thyself for sport?

Dream Nailed O Gods of Hallownest, show Us your might! We shall attune Ourselves to thee and ascend ever higher!
First encounter Show reverence, o meagre one. Show fear! Thou approacheth a great and terrible God.

Though its worldly body be bound and defiled, the glory of its pure form endures, ruler of this pantheon. Its endless power shall attune Us to the one greater still, a God of Gods!
Meagre one, dost thou imagine thyself the equal of this God? Dost thou imagine thyself made in its image? Thou assume a similar shape, and the deep echo within thee seems familiar...
Ahh! What thoughts are these? Thou sow blasphemies in Our mind, wretch! Begone! We pray that the God of nothingness silence thee forever!

Exhausted dialogue Thou art no God! Begone, pretender! Be silent!
Listening after having defeated Pure Vessel Thou return to cross thine nail with this pure vessel. For what purpose, We can only wonder.

Does combat draw thee closer together? Dost thou also desire attunement with the Gods? Or dost thou hide some other desire deep within thee?

Dream Nailed O bound one, thy silence nearly deafens Us. Foolishly we feared thee, yet only by thine providence shall We find the one We seek. The God sleeping within...
First encounter Mischief beyond mischief! We can not escape thee, even in this highest, most distant of pantheons.

O wielder of nail, o eater of Soul. Are thee a messenger of the Gods... or something stranger?
We will not defy thee, continue thy combat. We shall be listening closely…

Exhausted dialogue Continue thy combat, o stranger, continue thy ritual. We shall be listening closely…
Dream Nailed O Gods of Hallownest, show Us your might! We shall attune Ourselves to thee and ascend ever higher!
Second encounter (talking about Unn) Sleeping God, We can barely feel thy presence amongst the green left behind. What strength thee once possessed fades beyond time and tune...
Exhausted dialogue Such magnificent scale, even in decline. If only thee could teach Us to grow so large…
Dream Nailed Sleeping God, to see thee as thou once existed, with land and dream and devotion, We would give our mind…
Third encounter (talking about the White Lady) O tragedy! This majestic god evades Our attunement with such ease.

We live only to serve the gods, to seek them out. Why does she frustrate Us? How does she hide from Us? Does she diminish herself by choice?

Exhausted dialogue O majestic one, We beg thee reveal thyself! Our mind is so much less without you in it…
Dream Nailed Pale mother... We barely dare to think. The chance of meeting is too rare.... but thine resonance! Could you be one of Them?
Fourth encounter (talking about the Pale King) Even long departed, We feel the afterglow of the God-power that sat this throne... It lays heavy upon this kingdom.

That lingering power alone was beacon enough to draw Us to Hallownest. How bright it must have been to mortal bug stood before it.

Exhausted dialogue A God so strong... Yet erased so completely. How could it happen?
Dream Nailed God-king, you reduced your form to match Our meagre shells... But why shed so majestic a whole?

Surely, your true immensity could have inspired devotion all the more!


Godseeker is found both in the Junk Pit and Godhome.



{S} Embrace the Void
Ascend the Pantheon of Hallownest and take your place at its peak.


  • Team Cherry have stated that they cannot say who locked Godseeker in her cocoon, but noted that it is not clear whether she built the cocoon herself or somebody else did.[21]
  • In Godhome, whenever an arena has been completed, the Godseeker sitting on her throne faces the sky before the arena transition animation comes in. During the arena fight, the Godseeker usually looks at the Knight. However, she looks at the boss instead in the following situations:
  • The Godseeker in the Junk Pit resembles an early concept art piece created by Ari Gibson.[22]
  • When found in the Tuner Memory, the Godseeker is stuck in the cave wall for unknown reasons. She also appears to be tiny, as the length between her fore-claws and back-claws is much less than it is in the present. However, it is unknown what her body looks like as it is hidden in shadow with only the claws and head visible.


  1. Godmaster reveal post: "The Godseeker arrives [..]. Track down this disturbing yet alluring being, break her chains and aid her in an ancient duty."
  2. The Godseeker: "By attuning Ourselves We clutch at their greatness, their immortality. Their unknowable splendour."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Weathered Mask Hunter's Journal entry: "Gods of Thunder, Gods of Rain! Why forsake thy servants? Will Our minds be left suffering, to ache alone?"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Godseeker Dream Nail dialogue in Godhome Atrium: "...Our mind a sea..."
  5. Land of Storms final room.
  6. The Godseeker: "These winds carry Us to thee, dear Gods..."
  7. Weathered Mask Hunter's Journal entry: "Strange mask from a godless land, passed down over time. The design suggests the wearer's thoughts were focused through the crest."
  8. Tuner Memory device inspect text: "Temporary tuning device built of carapace."
  9. The Godseeker: "Even long departed, We feel the afterglow of the God-power that sat this throne... [...] That lingering power alone was beacon enough to draw Us to Hallownest."
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Godseeker on Pure Vessel: "Its endless power shall attune Us to the one greater still, a God of Gods! [...] Foolishly we feared thee, yet only by thine providence shall We find the one We seek. The God sleeping within..."
  11. 11.0 11.1 Godtuner description: "Device that resonates with beings of great power. Seek the gods of Hallownest. Tune their power. Through their strength, ascend."
  12. The Godseeker: "Our form swells? Large? Nay. Immense. Majestic. Hibernation, so long forced upon Us, yet the shell that results is strong... So strong!"
  13. The Godseeker: "Savage! Intruder! No right thou hast to trespass within such sacred memory. Begone! Begone!"
  14. The Godseeker: "Take the Godtuner and seek ye the Gods! Seek! That they may find their way. Tuned to mind. Tuned to home. Reward. As reward for thine services, ye shall be allowed to linger here. Linger and gaze. Linger and gaze on Our magnificent shell. Our overpowering beauty!"
  15. The Godseeker: "By what right dost thou trespass here, in this home of the Gods? Shrivel away and begone! Begone!"
  16. The Godseeker: "Meagre one, dost thou imagine thyself the equal of this God? Dost thou imagine thyself made in its image? Thou assume a similar shape, and the deep echo within thee seems familiar..."
  17. The Godseeker: "Mischief beyond mischief! We can not escape thee, even in this highest, most distant of pantheons. O wielder of nail, o eater of Soul. Are thee a messenger of the Gods... or something stranger? We will not defy thee, continue thy combat. We shall be listening closely…"
  18. The Godseeker's dialogue in the rooms for Unn, the White Lady, and the Pale King.
  19. Embrace the Void ending cutscene.
  20. Delicate Flower ending cutscene.
  21. Team Cherry Mixer stream of 27 September 2018.
  22. Hollow Knight Concept Art.