Mod:Pale Court/Hall of Fame

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This page is about a Mod, and is not part of official Hollow Knight or Silksong content.

Bear witness to the power of a group united in mysterious cause.

With this great feat finished, they may now rest.

The Hall of Fame is an area accessible in the Pale Court Mod. It can be accessed by using the Dream Nail on Dryya’s body in Queen's Gardens and going left, using Mantis Claw to get up on the roof of the building, nail-bouncing the spikes there and going right. Here, developers and playtesters alike for the Pale Court mod left messages for their players.


Developer/playtester messages
First message Bear witness to the power of a group united in mysterious cause.

With this great feat finished, they may now rest.

Azerod (Writing, Translation) May Pale Court remain as one of the signs of how far hollow knight modding went.
HelenSB (Translation, Playtesting) Until Silksong graces us with its release, have fun with all the amazing content this talented community keeps creating!

You are all incredibly creative and I am thankful for all the great mods out there.
Disfrutad de todo el contenido que esta comunidad llena de talento ha realizado hasta que Silksong nos honre con su lanzamiento. Vuestra creatividad no tiene límites.
¡Gracias por todos los mods que habéis creado!

General Milky (Playtesting) Pale Court when
Redfrog (Programming) I'm glad we're finally releasing! Around the end there I really thought it wasn't Silksong we were working on, but it was some mod for Hollow Knight.
Mulhima (Playtesting, Programming) This mod is a rip off of pail curt
Chaktis (Art) Here's where I'd put the tram copypasta... if I could fit it
CrankyTemplar (Playtesting) It's kind of crazy to see how far things have come. A big congrats to the team!
Croissant (Playtesting) WE GOT THE TRAM!!
Erie (Playtesting) hype mod. thank god people were willing to work on this for so long, and with it finally being available, everyone can appreciate the years of hard work that went into this from so many people.
FoldingPapers (Music) "Yet to no avail - that part of my memory blurs in my mind like a fresh painted canvas left out in a thunderstorm"
Clazex (Programming) To the people who enjoy the world of Hollow Knight like me, hope you enjoy what Pale Court adds to it! I'm so proud that I've really become a part of this.
HooKnows (Programming) I'm truly grateful to have been a part of this incredible project. Still hard to believe that 4 years ago, I struggled to even set up Visual Studio for modding, but now here I am, somehow being a part of all this cool stuff.

Thanks for playing, it means a lot to all of us.

HuntHussle (Playtesting) ROCK AND STONE. Thanks to zaliant for letting me playtest this great mod!
JoSeBach (Writing, Translation) Mamma mamma, guarda: sono in tivù! Per me è stato un grandissimo onore aver contribuito a questo progetto, per quanto io sia tra gli ultimi arrivati.

Spero di aver dato veramente il massimo tra playtesting, testi e traduzione perché, cazzo, i Cinque Grandi Cavalieri e noi ce lo meritiamo! Grazie per tutte le risate, sudate, incazzature e le notti insonni che abbiamo trascorso insieme.
You're fantastic and determined and truly inspiring (and I'm positive I won't be the only one thinking that). Vi voglio un sacco bene e sono così tanto fiera di voi e di tutti noi, non potete immaginare.
In bocca al lupo e in culo alla balena, statemi bene. Un abbraccio, Ada- Ah, emh, jsb

Knightmere (Playtesting) It's been wonderful working on something with you all. Even though my activity in HK's community isn't what it used to be, I'm very happy to see this project flourish and be a part of it.

Also hi zaliant.

Manno Stone (Writing, Translation) It was spectacular! A battle like no other, it was very well balanced! Well... Until it started... So remember: "Hesitation is defeat". Where did I hear that?

Achou que eu ia escrever algo legal? Achou errado! E digo mais, vocês não podem errar porque errar é "o Manno"!

RiverRobot (Programming) "A temple buried, a forgotten doom... The darkness writhes, contained, controlled... To protect, to restrain... A wrathful Bloom...”
RocketFire20 (Playtesting) Thank you all for the laughs, the highs and the lows, the heartwarming moments, and the fun. Most importantly, thank you Emu, for introducing me to this game. I owe this all to you.

I cannot express how much I respect and appreciate you all for the hard work to get this mod out after so long. Now, I can't wait to see what Silksong has to offer, what secrets it holds and what heights we can bring it to.
See you all then!

SFGrenade (Programming) With the mod complete, what next challenges await? What will we strive towards? Will we wander the heights of Pharloom? The depths of the Abyss?

Time will tell, and time we took for this mod to be polished for you. Have fun with the Pale Court!

SovereignElise (Voicing) Ze'mer and her beloved, may you rest well. Such a pleasure to voice my favorite of the Great Knights. As a lesbian, this little bit of representation means everything.

And I hope any other queer women that play this mod enjoy Ze'mer as much as I do.

Rotten Legacy (Voicing) People have this glow about them when they're doing something they believe in, you know? They leave their mark on the world and make it a brighter place, like stars against a backdrop of darkness. This team is an example of that, as are you, dear reader.

I hope you have a lovely day!

mossbag (Voicing) Five Great Knights at Freddy's. Think about it.
Sarart (Voicing) i've only gotten involved in this project towards the end, but i really felt like part of the team, hope you enjoy it!
Zaliant (Music)
MEBI (Art) almost can't believe we made it, my expectations exceeded tenfold
Saleh (Programming) See you in the abyss expansion... actually I'll just wait for Silksong
KitsuneMedia (Art) if we had more development time there would've an area with catgirls
56 (Programming) made you look
Gauthier (Music) What a journey, this is a very special mod for a very special community. See you for Pale Silk in 10 years.


Pale Court Compendium
Bosses Kindly Isma (Loyal Ogrim & Kindly Isma) • Mysterious Ze'mer (Mystic Ze'mer) • Fierce DryyaMighty HegemolTiso
Champion's Call
Charms Abyssal BloomBoon of HallownestKing's HonourMark of PurityVessel's Lament
Areas Abyssal TempleHall of FamePost-credits