Massive Moss Charger

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Family of creatures that have learnt to bulk up with moss and live as one.

There is strength in numbers, yes, but these creatures never had much strength to begin with. Cut through their trickery!

The Massive Moss Charger is an optional mini-boss in Hollow Knight. It is found in Greenpath.

In-game events

The Massive Moss Charger can be found below a ruined structure, west of the entrance to Fog Canyon. It first appears as a large bush but starts shaking as the Knight approaches and eventually roars before giving chase. Once defeated, it is revealed to be a group of Moss Chargers (without their moss) which scurry away and crawl underground.

Fighting the Massive Moss Charger is not necessary to progress past its room.

Behaviour and Tactics

The Massive Moss Charger has two attacks:

  • Charge: The Massive Moss Charger charges forward, much like a regular Moss Charger
  • Belly-flop: The Massive Moss Charger hops in the air toward the Knight and slams into the ground

Go to timestamp 8:04 for Massive Moss Charger tactics

The Knight is not locked into this fight, meaning that it is possible to escape the fight at anytime.

Unlike regular Moss Chargers, hitting it does not expose the vulnerable bug within the moss.

Standing near the edge of the room often results in the Massive Moss Charger getting stuck on the edge for a fraction of a second during its Belly-flop attack. This can be used to buy time and dash out of the way.

Having the Quick Slash and/or Heavy Blow Charms equipped means Massive Moss Charger can be defeated solely by rapidly attacking it during its Charge animation.

Godmaster Content

Massive Moss Charger

Hall of Gods text: "Together we hunt in paths overgrown with green"
"Restless god of those who band together"

Pantheon Pantheon of the Master, 4th boss
Health Attuned difficulty 480
Ascended difficulty 850
Radiant difficulty
Arena changes The arena is wider than in the base game when on Ascended or higher difficulty.

Dream Nail Dialogue

  • ...Light...Danger...
  • ...Safe...Dark...
  • ...Hungry...Hungry...
  • ...Scared...
  • ...Eat...When...
  • ...Kill...Hurt...
  • ...Away. Away...
  • ...Pain...


The Massive Moss Charger is located in the southwest part of Greenpath near Fog Canyon.



  • The Massive Moss Charger is revealed to be four regular Moss Chargers all living together.
    • The Moss Chargers spawned after defeating this enemy cannot be killed, and it does not respawn, unlike its smaller counterparts.
  • The Massive Moss Charger does not attack and stays buried in the ground if the Knight is not touching the ground.
  • Godmaster content During the Nintendo Treehouse Live during E3 2018, the Massive Moss Charger was named "Mega Moss Charger", which is also its file name.
  • The Massive Moss Charger currently uses the same Hunter's Journal icon as the Moss Charger. Before the Lifeblood content Lifeblood update, the Massive Moss Charger used a unique Hunter's Journal icon. Another cut Hunter's Journal icon for the Massive Moss Charger also exists in the files which was never used in the game.
Hollow Knight Enemy Compendium
EnemiesBossesHealth ValuesColosseum of FoolsGodmaster content Hall of GodsGodmaster content Pantheons
Main Game
Forgotten Crossroads CrawlidVengeflyVengefly KingGruzzerGruz MotherTiktikAspid HunterAspid MotherAspid HatchlingGoamWandering HuskHusk HornheadLeaping HuskHusk BullyHusk WarriorHusk GuardEntombed HuskFalse Knight (Failed Champion) • MaggotMenderbugLifeseedBaldurElder Baldur
Greenpath MosscreepMossflyMosskinVolatile MosskinFool EaterSquitObbleGulkaMaskflyMoss ChargerMassive Moss ChargerMoss KnightMossy VagabondDurandooDurandaAluba
Fog Canyon Charged LumaflyUomaOomaUumuu
Fungal Wastes AmbloomFunglingFungoonSporgFungified HuskShrumelingShrumal WarriorShrumal OgreMantis YouthMantis WarriorMantis Lords
City of Tears Husk SentryHeavy SentryWinged SentryLance SentryMistakeFollySoul TwisterSoul WarriorSoul Master (Tyrant) • Husk DandyCowardly HuskGluttonous HuskGorgeous HuskGreat Husk SentryWatcher KnightCollector
Royal Waterways BelflyPilflipHwurmpBluggsacDung DefenderFlukefeyFlukemonFlukemarm
Crystal Peak ShardmiteGlimbackCrystal HunterCrystal CrawlerHusk MinerCrystallised HuskCrystal Guardian (Enraged)
Infected Crossroads Furious VengeflyVolatile GruzzerViolent HuskSlobbering Husk
Deepnest DirtcarverCarver HatcherGarpedeCorpse CreeperDeeplingDeephunterLittle WeaverStalking DevoutNosk
Ancient Basin Shadow CreeperLesser MawlekMawlurkBrooding MawlekLightseedInfected BalloonBroken Vessel (Lost Kin)
Kingdom's Edge BooflyPrimal AspidHopperGreat HopperGrub MimicHivelingHive SoldierHive GuardianHusk Hive
Queen's Gardens Spiny HuskLoodleMantis PetraMantis TraitorTraitor Lord
Colosseum of Fools Sharp BaldurArmoured SquitBattle ObbleOblobblesShielded FoolSturdy FoolWinged FoolHeavy FoolDeath LoodleVolt TwisterZoteGod Tamer
Warrior Dreams XeroGorbElder HuMarmuNo EyesGalienMarkoth
White Palace WingmouldRoyal RetainerKingsmouldSiblingVoid Tendrils
Story Bosses Hornet (ProtectorSentinel) • Hollow KnightRadianceShadeHunter's Mark
Content packs
Hidden Dreams content Hidden Dreams Grey Prince ZoteWinged ZotelingHopping ZotelingVolatile ZotelingWhite Defender
Grimm Troupe content The Grimm Troupe Grimmkin NoviceGrimmkin MasterGrimmkin NightmareGrimmNightmare KingSeal of Binding
Lifeblood content Lifeblood Hive Knight
Godmaster content Godmaster FlukemungaPale LurkerSisters of BattleWinged NoskNailmasters Oro & MatoPaintmaster SheoGreat Nailsage SlyPure VesselAbsolute RadianceVoid IdolWeathered Mask