Traitor Lord

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Deposed Lord of the Mantis tribe. Embraced the infection and turned against his sisters.

I have felt that desire. The desire to take the infection into myself. To become stronger, more powerful... these thoughts haunt my dreams during the darkest times. A false hope, but it can burn so brilliantly in one's mind.

The Traitor Lord is a main boss in Hollow Knight. He blocks the path to the White Lady in the Queen's Gardens.


The Traitor Lord was one of the leaders of the Mantis Tribe along with his sisters, and particularly resented the kingdom of Hallownest.[2] Similarly, he disapproved of the relationship of his daughter with the Grey Mourner due to the Grey Mourner being an outsider.[3][4]

At some point, he and his followers embraced the Infection to become stronger and were cast out from the Mantis Village.[1][5] They eventually found their way to and settled in the Queen's Gardens.[3] They sought to take the gardens for themselves and chase the White Lady out of her refuge but were pushed back by her protector, the knight Dryya.[6] Despite this failure, the Traitor Lord and the other Mantis outcasts still remained in the gardens, now guided only by a basic territorial and violent instinct.[7]

The Traitor Lord's daughter died at a certain point. Her grave can be found in the Queen’s Gardens just above the Stag Station, in a cave smothered by vines. Her grave can be seen in the background of his arena in Godmaster content Godhome as well.

In-game events

The Traitor Lord can be found in a large building on the upper border of the gardens' wilds. When the Knight enters the place, they are first ambushed by Mantis Traitors, with the Traitor Lord jumping down from the ceiling thereafter. If the Knight rescued Cloth from the Ancient Basin, she joins the fight before his appearance. In doing so, she is impaled by the Traitor Lord at the end of the fight. However, she also takes one last swipe with her club, bashing him on the head and leaving both dead.

If the Traitor Lord dies from the Knight alone, the Infection bursts out of him and makes him explode. If Cloth kills him, less Infection bursts out and his husk collapses on the ground, his face and right horn shattered.

Behaviour and Tactics

The Traitor Lord has four attacks:

  • Dive: Traitor Lord leaps into the air and then dives towards the Knight, similar to Mantis Traitors. This attack occurs in 2 parts: 1st, the leap straight up and 2nd, the dive. Both parts are dangerous. The dive is always at the same angle (about 45 degrees) and covers about 25% of the arena.
  • Dash: Traitor Lord dashes towards The Knight and swipes with his claws. He rushes forward and covers about a third of the arena with this attack.
  • Lifeblood content Dancing Glaive: Traitor Lord throws two spinning orange wind-scythes in tandem. The wind-scythes travel across the arena in two slightly different cosine wave patterns. As the wind-scythes cross the arena, one wind-scythe pulls away from the other, creating an ever-growing gap between them. The wind-scythes persist for about three seconds, and getting hit by one only deals one Mask of damage. However, if the Knight gets caught on the claws of Traitor Lord when he throws the wind-scythes, the Knight will take two Masks of damage. Traitor Lord only uses this attack if the Knight is a good distance away but can sometimes dash away himself to perform this attack. This attack cannot be done twice in a row and can only occur divided by at least one normal attack.
  • Lifeblood content Ground Pound: Occasionally during a cooldown after a previous attack, Traitor Lord smashes his claws feverishly into the ground, generating a massive shockwave in each direction. The shockwaves span from floor to ceiling of the arena. They travel faster than the Knight's base speed and traverse the entire arena. Traitor Lord will sometimes dash away if the Knight is too close and re-position to perform this attack. This attack is only used after Traitor Lord has reached 500 HP.

All attacks except the Dancing Glaive attack deal two Masks of damage. Contact damage with Traitor Lord only deals one Mask of damage.

Traitor Lord is a very large enemy in a very small arena and he attacks frequently.

If Cloth's quest has been followed, she will show up during the fight to aid the Knight, dealing 15 damage to Traitor Lord per club hit.

Traitor Lord's falling animation when entering the fight also deals two Masks of damage.

Use Shade Cloak dashing to avoid every attack Traitor Lord has. Use the Desolate Dive/Descending Dark Spell for the invincibility frames. Strike with the Nail during those brief moments in between Traitor Lord's attacks. These are some of the most effective tactics against Traitor Lord.

To avoid Traitor Lord's Dive attack move either left or right in the direction of the attack. Traitor Lord then dives over the Knight and misses them.

Lifeblood content Dancing Glaive and Ground Pound are only used if the Knight strays too far from him. So long as the Knight is relatively close to Traitor Lord, he does not perform these attacks and only Dashes and Dives. Occasionally, however, he may quickly step a small distance backwards and perform these attacks through that method.

Lifeblood content The only way to avoid the Traitor Lord's Ground Pound attack is to have invincibility, such as that gained from using Shade Cloak or Descending Dark. Unlike most other shockwave attacks in the game, the Traitor Lord's shockwaves span as tall as the ceiling of the arena. However, having the Shade Cloak upgrade is required to reach this boss as the Knight needs to pass through a Shade Gate to do so.

The Shape of Unn Charm can be used to weave between Traitor Lord's wind-scythes while healing.

It is possible to jump to the top right side of the room and charge up the Super Dash and stay there until Cloth or a companion charm (Glowing Womb, Grimmchild, or Weaversong) finishes the job. The only attacks that may cause damage while clinging to the wall are the Dive and Ground Pound attacks.

An easy way to cheese this boss is to use the Sharp Shadow Charm and dodge through all of his physical attacks, as they all home in on the Knight, making it easier to dodge with the extended range.

Godmaster Content

Traitor Lord

Hall of Gods text: "I defile the gardens of false royalty"
"Treacherous god of anger"

Pantheon Pantheon of the Knight, 4th boss
Health Attuned difficulty 800
Ascended difficulty 1300
Radiant difficulty
Arena changes The arena is much larger than the base game fight, no difficulty differences. No Mantis Traitors appear before the fight.

Dream Nail Dialogue

  • ...Outcast...Survive...Kill...
  • ...Intruder...Destroy...
  • Our lands now...


The Traitor Lord is located in the upper section of the Queen's Gardens, beyond a Shade Gate.



Defeat the Traitor Lord.


  • Next to the Mantis Lords' thrones, a fourth broken throne can be seen, most likely the Traitor Lord's former throne.
  • In his original Journal entry, the Traitor Lord was identified as female.[8] This was changed to its current version in the public release version
  • The blades that the Traitor Lord sends out in his Dancing Glaive attack are a bright Infected orange instead of white like all the other spinning mantis projectiles.
  • The Traitor Lord can be damaged before he lands from the ceiling.
  • The Traitor Lord is one of the few enemies that does not make dreamcatchers appear when Dream Nailed.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Traitor Lord Hunter's Journal entry: "Deposed Lord of the Mantis tribe. Embraced the infection and turned against his sisters."
  2. Godmaster content Hall of Gods lock message: "I defile the gardens of false royalty"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wanderer's Journal p. 145.
  4. Grey Mourner: "Buried, moina? Ai. Amongst its hateful kin that did deny our union, that did reject che's... outside-ness."
  5. Mantis Traitor Hunter's Journal entry: "Once a member of the Mantis tribe, now cast out and driven mad by infection."
  6. Traitor Lord Dream Nail dialogue: "Our lands now..."
  7. Traitor Lord Dream Nail dialogue: "...Outcast...Survive...Kill..."
  8. Original Journal entry: "Deposed Lord of the Mantis tribe. Embraced the infection and turned against her sisters."
Hollow Knight Enemy Compendium
EnemiesBossesHealth ValuesColosseum of FoolsGodmaster content Hall of GodsGodmaster content Pantheons
Main Game
Forgotten Crossroads CrawlidVengeflyVengefly KingGruzzerGruz MotherTiktikAspid HunterAspid MotherAspid HatchlingGoamWandering HuskHusk HornheadLeaping HuskHusk BullyHusk WarriorHusk GuardEntombed HuskFalse Knight (Failed Champion) • MaggotMenderbugLifeseedBaldurElder Baldur
Greenpath MosscreepMossflyMosskinVolatile MosskinFool EaterSquitObbleGulkaMaskflyMoss ChargerMassive Moss ChargerMoss KnightMossy VagabondDurandooDurandaAluba
Fog Canyon Charged LumaflyUomaOomaUumuu
Fungal Wastes AmbloomFunglingFungoonSporgFungified HuskShrumelingShrumal WarriorShrumal OgreMantis YouthMantis WarriorMantis Lords
City of Tears Husk SentryHeavy SentryWinged SentryLance SentryMistakeFollySoul TwisterSoul WarriorSoul Master (Tyrant) • Husk DandyCowardly HuskGluttonous HuskGorgeous HuskGreat Husk SentryWatcher KnightCollector
Royal Waterways BelflyPilflipHwurmpBluggsacDung DefenderFlukefeyFlukemonFlukemarm
Crystal Peak ShardmiteGlimbackCrystal HunterCrystal CrawlerHusk MinerCrystallised HuskCrystal Guardian (Enraged)
Infected Crossroads Furious VengeflyVolatile GruzzerViolent HuskSlobbering Husk
Deepnest DirtcarverCarver HatcherGarpedeCorpse CreeperDeeplingDeephunterLittle WeaverStalking DevoutNosk
Ancient Basin Shadow CreeperLesser MawlekMawlurkBrooding MawlekLightseedInfected BalloonBroken Vessel (Lost Kin)
Kingdom's Edge BooflyPrimal AspidHopperGreat HopperGrub MimicHivelingHive SoldierHive GuardianHusk Hive
Queen's Gardens Spiny HuskLoodleMantis PetraMantis TraitorTraitor Lord
Colosseum of Fools Sharp BaldurArmoured SquitBattle ObbleOblobblesShielded FoolSturdy FoolWinged FoolHeavy FoolDeath LoodleVolt TwisterZoteGod Tamer
Warrior Dreams XeroGorbElder HuMarmuNo EyesGalienMarkoth
White Palace WingmouldRoyal RetainerKingsmouldSiblingVoid Tendrils
Story Bosses Hornet (ProtectorSentinel) • Hollow KnightRadianceShadeHunter's Mark
Content packs
Hidden Dreams content Hidden Dreams Grey Prince ZoteWinged ZotelingHopping ZotelingVolatile ZotelingWhite Defender
Grimm Troupe content The Grimm Troupe Grimmkin NoviceGrimmkin MasterGrimmkin NightmareGrimmNightmare KingSeal of Binding
Lifeblood content Lifeblood Hive Knight
Godmaster content Godmaster FlukemungaPale LurkerSisters of BattleWinged NoskNailmasters Oro & MatoPaintmaster SheoGreat Nailsage SlyPure VesselAbsolute RadianceVoid IdolWeathered Mask